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We, at HypnoAwakening, place our clients at the very heart of everything we do. Whether you embark on a transformative journey to address weight challenges, overcome deep-seated fears, or unlock hidden potential, our dedication remains unwavering. Our commitment goes beyond sessions and workshops; it's rooted in the genuine desire to see every individual thrive, grow, and accomplish their goals. With each service you select, expect a tailored experience, enveloped in care, understanding, and the highest standard of professional guidance. Because at HypnoAwakening, your success is our success, and we journey with you every step of the way.

"Discover the Secrets of the Subconscious: Say Goodbye to Unwanted Weight for Good."

New Workshop Starting in Oct., 2023

Stress Reduction Self-Hypnosis Techniques

Join Kacee as she teaches you four new techniques to incorporate in your life to reduce and/or remove the stress holding you back from becoming your true self!

Healthy Weight Release

The Healthy Weight Release program by delves deep into the heart of subconscious patterns, creating an environment where individuals gain profound insights into their relationship with food. The subconscious mind houses deeply ingrained habits, emotions, and memories related to food. Our program facilitates the unlocking of these patterns, allowing participants to not only become aware of their triggers but also to reshape their reactions and beliefs. Through guided sessions, individuals will be equipped with tools to tackle emotional eating, stress-related indulgence, and food-associated guilt, ultimately fostering a harmonious relationship between the mind, body, and nutrition.

Hypnosis, a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious, has been scientifically proven to be a potent ally in weight management. In a study by Kirsch, Montgomery, and Sapirstein (1995), it was found that people who used hypnosis in weight loss programs doubled their weight loss outcomes compared to those who didn't incorporate hypnosis. Another groundbreaking research from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology showed that individuals who engaged in hypnotherapy maintained their weight loss two years post-treatment, in stark contrast to their counterparts who solely relied on traditional techniques like dieting. The power of hypnosis lies in its ability to reinforce positive behaviors, beliefs, and habits, ensuring that weight loss isn't just a transient phase but a sustainable lifestyle change.

  • Personalized Programs to Suit Your Journey

    1. Choose between our 6-week immersion or the comprehensive 12-week program.

  • Beyond Just Dieting – An Insight into Subconscious Eating

    • Understand the underlying patterns, emotions, and thoughts that dictate your relationship with food.

  • Tools for Transformation

    • Receive exclusive access to bridge audios, workbooks, ebooks, and invaluable class materials.

"Shed Inhibitions, Embrace Passion: Your Journey to Intimate Liberation Begins Here."

  • Sexual Freedom Hypnosis Program:

    A transformative exploration designed to navigate and address deep-seated beliefs, memories, and challenges related to intimacy and sexuality. Through guided hypnotherapy sessions, participants will:

    • Reconnect with their authentic desires and passions.

    • Overcome past traumas and inhibitions.

    • Gain confidence and understanding in their intimate encounters.

    • Establish a renewed sense of sexual well-being and liberation.

Sexual Freedom

Sexual Freedom Hypnosis by HypnoAwakening is an innovative approach to unearthing and addressing deeply rooted beliefs, memories, and traumas related to sexuality and intimacy. Our six session program emphasizes the importance of liberating oneself from societal constraints, past experiences, and internalized misconceptions, granting individuals the opportunity to embrace and celebrate their true sexual identity without fear, guilt, or judgment.

Sexual Freedom Hypnosis assists individuals in shedding inhibitions, overcoming past traumas, and building confidence in their intimate encounters. This program not only aids in understanding oneself on a deeper sexual level but also strives to build a bridge between the mind, body, and intimate emotions. Through guided sessions, participants are encouraged to explore their sexuality, unchain themselves from past experiences, and rejuvenate their intimate relationships.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

Explore and understand the deepest layers of your sexuality, unshackling from past traumas and misconceptions.

Beyond Traditional Therapies

Experience the power of hypnosis in addressing sexual challenges, redefining intimate boundaries, and revitalizing passion.

A Safe Haven for Exploration

Engage in a confidential, judgment-free space, tailored to support and guide you every step of the way.

"Beyond the Smoke: Rediscover Freedom with Hypnosis."

Smoking Cessation Hypnosis Program:

A comprehensive approach to quitting smoking, designed to address and combat the multi-faceted challenges of tobacco addiction.

Participants will:

Engage in targeted hypnotherapy sessions aimed at tackling the core habits and beliefs surrounding smoking.

Learn techniques to manage and overcome cravings.

Establish a new, smoke-free identity, anchored in health, vitality, and freedom.

The journey to quit smoking is as much psychological as it is physical. NeuroSculpt Hypnosis introduces an innovative approach to smoking cessation, tapping into the power of hypnosis to address the deep-rooted habits and beliefs that keep individuals tethered to tobacco.

Hypnosis provides a direct channel to the subconscious, where many of our habits, including smoking, are ingrained. Through targeted sessions, we can confront and modify these behaviors, equipping participants with tools and techniques to tackle cravings, reinforce positive behaviors, and establish a smoke-free identity.

Breathing Easier, Living Freer

Smoking Cessation Hypnosis is designed to empower individuals, aiding them in breaking free from the chains of tobacco addiction. This program not only addresses the physical cravings but delves deep into the psychological dependencies, reframing associations with smoking and fostering a healthier relationship with one's own well-being. Research has shown that hypnotherapy can significantly increase the success rate of smoking cessation programs, reinforcing the mental resolve to quit and making the transition smoother and more sustainable.

Join us at, and take your first breath towards a healthier, smoke-free future. Embrace the myriad benefits of a life unburdened by tobacco, and watch as your health, happiness, and quality of life soar to new heights.

Get in touch with us

At, we believe that every individual's journey to personal transformation is unique. Reaching out to us is the first step in unlocking the powerful potential of the mind and tailoring an experience that resonates with your personal goals. With our expertise in hypnotherapy, we delve deep to understand and cater to your individual needs, ensuring you receive the most beneficial and impactful sessions possible.

Your questions, concerns, and aspirations are of paramount importance to us. Contacting us ensures you're not just accessing a service, but partnering in a commitment to your well-being and self-improvement. Every conversation with you allows us to refine our approach, making certain that our techniques and guidance are always aligned with your evolving needs. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, ensuring that you're equipped with the best that hypnotherapy can offer.

  • (970) 390-3375

  • 108 Wildcat

  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Just as a sculptor chisels away at stone to reveal a masterpiece, at Hypno Awakening, we believe that beneath the layers of life's challenges lies the true essence of an individual. Through the art and science of hypnosis, we assist in gently peeling back these layers, enabling you to rediscover your inner strength, resilience, and beauty. Let us guide you on this transformative journey, unveiling the masterpiece that has always been within.

Contact Us

  • (970) 390-3375

  • Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm